You will find red everywhere during the Chinese New Year, and there is a superb reason that is the case. It is the symbolic colour of happiness, so much so they forbid it to be on display during funerals.
Colour is linked to the 5 elements
Red is Fire, the earth element of good luck, not only at New Year but other significant events of national celebration.
- Red is Fire
- Yellow is Earth
- White is Metal
- Black is water
- Green/Blue is Wood
The red Chinese symbol means good luck, happiness, Salutations “Safe Journey in the new year, have a prosperous new year, abundance in the new year, may your wishes come true in the new year.
Happiness and prosperity, may your work go. Many paper cutouts, symbolic posters that contain symmetry symbols, words and rules for their placement. Left resembling health contentment family, Right representing good luck.
Peony flowers honour and wealth, kumquat tree, a pine tree eternal youth, magpies on plum trees forewarn of a lucky event that will soon happen.

Chinese New Year Red Banner

Rat 鼠 (子) Water
Ox 牛 (丑) Earth
Tiger 虎 (寅) Wood
Rabbit 兔 (卯) Wood
Dragon 龍 (辰) Earth
Snake 蛇 (巳) Fire
Horse 馬 (午) Fire
Goat 羊 (未) Earth
Monkey 猴 (申) Metal
Rooster 雞 (酉) Metal
Dog 狗 (戌) Earth
Pig 豬 (亥) Water