Discover Artistic Treasures at Camden Arts Centre in London

Camden Arts Centre


Grade II listed building it was Intended as Hampstead central Library Design by Arnold Taylor Opened in 1897. Extended in 1920. Just before the mid-1960s, 1964  Swiss cottage library was opened and stock transferred. 1965 it was called the Hampstead Arts Centre. In 1967 it was named The Camden arts centre

There are photos of how the parquet floor exhibition room used to look when it had more furniture in it. It’s a stunning room, the natural light, the patterns of the wood flooring. The entrances to the exhibition rooms the mosaic tiny tiles on the floor in places and wood benches, very Mediterranean yet scholastic.


Discover Artistic Treasures at Camden Arts Centre in London 1

Anyone who visits an Art gallery or exhibition becomes a critic. Working out what the artwork means, our personal opinions on it, the fact we may know nothing about art styles or movements or who the artist is. The intrigue the verdict as to how it impacted on us the mystic as to how valuable the pieces are. What media materials were used?  The confirmation if you read the text or look up about the artist at home that some of what you thought is actually what it was supposed to convey, or not. To the total eureka that gives you that plugged in a connection that leaves a plausible explanation. Art is created in a certain time zone, in a certain time of a person’s life and their skills at that time. The artist may have had several generations of works that also tell a story.


Amy Sillman – Landline

28 September 2018 – 6 January 2019

Artist in Residency

Camilla Willis from 1st Sept till 31st January 2019

Artist in Residency   from 1st Sept -31 March 2019
Athanasios Argianas
Sculpture sound, paintings, text
British Greek Artist who lives and works in London.



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